One of the many wonderful aspects of a career as a photographer is the freedom of access one has to all other lifestyles, places, environments and people. For most of many career I have moved freely between the fashion world, the art world, the music world, the world of politics and a few other less popular worlds on the edge of acceptable society. When I used to shoot the style and party pages for Vogue I would happily move between these different ‘scenes’ and know all manner of people. It would be quite normal to be chatting with an MP one evening, a fashion designer or supermodel the next and then a musical icon the next day. London is fabulous for this aspect of the mobility of people on the social scene. A party is not a great party unless it’s filled with a veritable cocktail of types who create a fun and eclectic environment. Some great photographers have captured these moments and I think of images of Warhol sat with both high and low society in parties in New York. I have so many fun stories from those days and mixing with famous people became quite normal. I was always fascinated by the gossip that would be shared freely too. I feel another quote coming on. This time from the great photographer Margaret Bourke:
'We are in a privileged and sometime happy position. We see a great deal of the world. Our obligation is to pass it on to others.'
Today’s scene was the art scene and I was asked to photograph David Linley’s set at the Masterpiece Fair in Chelsea. As expected the ‘scenes’ mixed as fashion designer Valentino visited and was shown the impressive designs on display. I love photographing children and there is nothing better than watching children experience and interact with art. There is a wonderful image in this portfolio of pictures that is so charming and one of my favourite pictures taken this year.